Monday, October 4, 2010

October's Theme - National Dental Hygiene Month

Happy October everyone! This month we are going to be talking a lot about Dental Hygiene!

What is the best way to brush?
Place a toothbrush beside your teeth at a 45-degree angle and gently brush teeth in an elliptical (circular) motion. Brush the outside of the teeth, inside the teeth, your tongue, the chewing surfaces, and between teeth. Using a back-and-fourth motion causes the gum surface to recede, can ex pose the root surface, or make the root surface tender. You also risk wearing down the gum line.

Why should I floss?
Floss removes plaque and debris that adhere to teeth and gums in between teeth, polishes tooth surfaces, and controls bad breath. By flossing your teeth daily, you increase the chances of keeping your teeth a lifetime and decrease your chance of having periodontal (gum) disease and tooth decay. Flossing is the single most important weapon against plaque, perhaps more important than the tooth brush. (AGD)

Dental hygiene not only affects your oral hygiene, but also your overall health!
Call and schedule your dental cleaning today!

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