Many people ask how early they should begin Orthodontics with children. Hopefully this article posted from our website can help you understand more of why we recommend the ages we do. Of coarse each child is different and will require an ortho treatment specialized according to his or her needs. Dr. Jolley strives to give the best treatment at the right time for the best results - saving you time and money in the long run.
Give Your Child the Gift of a Beautiful, Healthy Smile with Two Phase orthodontic Treatment
Your Children Deserve...
Beautiful Smiles
Children with narrow arches need to wear functional appliances to expand their arches to make room for all the permanent teeth and create beautiful broad smiles.
Healthy Jaw Joints
Many children with narrow jaws, deep overbites or receding lower jaws have unhealthy jaw joints, which can cause: Headaches, Neck Pain, Dizziness, Earaches, Ear Ringing, and Clicking.
Early use of functional appliances can solve these problems.
No More Snoring
Children with airway obstructions, such as enlarged tonsils, often snore which can lead to sleep apnea. This frequently causes poor sleep habits, excessive daytime fatigue and inability to concentrate in school.
High Self-Esteem
Children are often self conscious about their crooked teeth and underdeveloped lower jaws. Early treatment can improve their self-esteem, which is extremely important when they are actively growing and interacting with other children.
Prevent Speech Problems
Narrow jaws result in less room for the tongue, which can interfere with normal speech. Functional appliances can expand the arches, make more room for the tongue and ensure normal speech.
Eliminate Need for Extractions
Functional appliances develop arches and make room for all permanent teeth, thereby eliminating the need for extraction of permanent teeth.
Need for Orthodontics
Seventy-five percent of 12 year olds need orthodontic treatment. By treating early, using functional appliances, 80% of the treatment can be completed before the adult teeth are present.
Functional Appliances Can Help Correct:
Underdeveloped Jaws
Narrow Arches
Crowded Teeth
Deep Overbites
Thumb Sucking Habit
Jaw Joint Problems
Younger children between age 8 to 11 are often more cooperative wearing functional appliances than children age 12 to 13 years.
Shorter Treatment Time
It is preferable to treat orthodontic problems early as this reduces time in fixed braces and reduces the total cost.
To Eliminate Crowding
Crowded teeth are caused by narrow arches. By developing the arches at an early age, we may prevent or eliminate the crowding of permanent teeth.
Another advantage is that early treatment often eliminates the need to remove any adult teeth.
To Correct Underdeveloped Jaws
Almost 50% of children who need orthodontic treatment due to bad bite have underdeveloped lower jaws. Functional appliances can reposition the lower jaw forward, improve the child’s profile and correct the bit problem – with *NO EXTRACTIONS AND NO SURGERY –within 7 to 9 months!
Functional Appliances – Ages 5 to 12
Early treatment should be initiated for:
Narrow arches and narrow smiles
Crooked teeth
Deep overbite
Underdeveloped lower jaw
Underdeveloped upper jaw
Snoring and sleep apnea
Thumb sucking or tongue trusting habits
--Sometimes, braces are placed on front teeth for a short period of time.
Braces – Age 12 to 14
Teeth are straightened with braces for 1 to 2 years.